2 - Lilith (5:18)

The song attempts to establish a creative alliance with the Lilith of ancient folklore - Adam's first wife later to be replaced with the the more acceptable Eve. The story of the Lilith would serve as a warning sign to not outstep the rational borders of the world lest she demons should ensnare you to the knowledge of the flesh from which no man returns.

While "Verrückt" is as much a musical album as a resolution to devote the band's creative power to realize the Manifest of Verrückt'ness, a declaration alone will not suffice. "Lilith" is where the album gains momentum as the story tellers fusion with the mythological figure - "I am Lilith" changes place with "she has to feel it with her body" - the I and the She dances and melts together and thus the descent into carnal madness has begun.

Frank Lundum explains this connection:

"I mikrokosmos er Verrückt starten på odysseen mod kilden, værende Lilith i live. Dette mål nås naturligvis ikke og denne del afsluttes efter en rejse med ophold ved hver sang med en konstatering af at rejsen er uendelig, skrevet efter Baudelaire og Poes anvisninger om my heart laid bare, en vision om, at skrev man direkte fra hjertet ville papiret brænde. De samme anvisninger gør sig gældende i Lundum."




